Awesome that you found my first attempt at creating my personal website. In the future I’ll show off some of my projects here, such as apps, sewing projects and poetry, or I might even start a blog. But for now you can enjoy reading about me and have a look at some of my research projects.
My spare time activities include, but are not limited to, unicycling, gardening, sewing, programming, painting and learning to play guitar/mandolin. I’m interested in science outreach, degrowth, solarpunk and everything open (as in open source, open science, open education, open library, open access, etc.). I also enjoy reading, boardgames, learning new languages, and last but definitely not least, spending time with my husband, daughter, family and friends.
Until November 2024 I worked as a Research Assistant on the project Dynamic network modelling of depression: towards personalised treatment targets with Maria Semkovska at the Department of Psychology at the University of Southern Denmark.
I defended my Phd in January 2024 at the Centre for Systems, Dynamics, and Control (CSDC) at the University of Exeter (in England). My PhD project was supervised by Christian Bick and Kyle Wedgwood and is entitled Designing the Dynamics of Coupled Oscillators.
During the last year of my PhD I was a visiting researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) at the University of Southern Denmark with Kristian Debrabant.
You can contact me on LinkedIn.
I’m building this site with Jekyll